I am still reading the Revenge
of Seven by “Pittacus Lore”.
Although I have read pretty far in this book, I chose to do Chapter 18
for this blog because there is a moment which is very important. So far, after
everyone decided that they would go to the Sanctuary, everyone opens their
Chests. These are special for everyone. The Chests contain special objects that
have a certain power. For example, there are beads that you can throw in the
air and it creates a mini vacuum and sucks everything near it up. Then it
violently shoots everything back out, causing death to people and the
destruction of objects.
As Marina (one of the Lorien), is opening her Chest, she
gives Nine a pair of gloves that no one knows what it could do. It could be a
normal pair of gloves or something magic. Marina doesn't know what they do.
John starts to talk to Marina and says, “‘Can we be sure those aren't important? What if they’re a Phoenix Stone?’ ‘They’re gloves, Johnny,’ Nine
says, not taking them off.” I chose this quote as the most important from
Chapter 18 because it hints that there probably is a superpower with those
gloves and it might drastically impact something.
Later, in Chapter 19, Nine discovers the power of the
gloves. Nine, John, and the FBI are about to attack a building when Nine gets
excited and claps his hands. This causes him to discover the power of the
gloves, “The concussion of sound that detonates from Nine’s hands when he claps
isn’t quite sonic-boom loud, but it’s definitely close… all of the SUV’s
windows explode outward, and the car even bounces a few inches into the air.”
This quote shows how dangerous the gloves are but how they can also use them to
their advantage fighting the Mogadorians. This can cause the Lorien to defeat
the life-long battle with them.
Below is what a FBI SUV looks like. You can see how strong
the gloves would have to be to move the car back and break windows.
This book sounds really unique and different. I think what you chose to write about the book shows its unique quality.